Opening Hours : Monday to Saturday - 9am to 8pm

Cylinder Filling System

"Oxygen Booster for PSA oxygen plants in Hospitals"

Oxygen Cylinder filling system has several wide applications commonly speaking but when we specifically talk about this oxygen cylinder filling system, it enables and upgrades PSA oxygen plant users to fill their empty cylinders from 4~5 bar into 150 bar. This amazing device gives great pleasure to all PSA oxygen plant users to become self-sufficient and enable them to keep sufficient cylinder back up during pandemic/harsh situations. This booster is greatly appreciated and praised by many hospitals as they fill their own oxygen onsite without any third party involvements within their hospital and every users become independent from cylinder supply/delivery complications.

For hospitals, our end users are using this device in two ways.

1) Filling empty cylinders(Jumbo D-Type) for back up purpose during hospital demand is low. In this way, hospitals can take small portion of oxygen from hospital pipeline and filling their empty cylinders for future use/back up purpose, when hospital connected load is low. Hospital pipeline pressure will not be disturbed in this parallel connection, as this device withdraws few portion from PSA oxygen Generator.

2) Filling empty cylinders(Jumbo D-Type) from PSA plant and then they connect filled cylinders to hospital pipeline. In this way, PSA plant will dedicatedly work with Cylinder Filling System alone and doesn't have direct connection with hospital pipeline. Users has to rotate empty cylinder into filling system & filled cylinders into hospital pipeline regularly.

On-site cylinder filling system : indisputable advantages
  • Operating cost reduction : our clients investment is profitable within 2 years
  • No more heavy bottles to handle
  • No more supply constraints : gain time and get rid of usual logistics constraints (purchase orders, delivery slips, invoices, inventory management...)
  • Enhanced safety : no more storage of high quantities of combustive gas, under pressure or in liquid cryogenic form
  • Reduced environmental impact : no more truck rotations for oxygen delivery